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5 Tips for Sewing with Knit Fabric Provided By Knitting Fabric Manufacturer

Here are the life hacks provided by knitting fabric manufacturer how to sew a garment from knit fabric with a regular sewing machine.

Needles. First of all, you will need a special needle – ballpoint. The problem is that if you use a regular needle, it will make holes in your knit fabric. Double or twin needle will be an ideal choice for sewing with knit fabrics.
Use a Walking Foot. Without this device, the sewing machine pulls only the bottom layer of fabric. The Walking Foot pulls the top layer of fabric with the bottom either.
Cut on a Surface. All the fabrics should be cut on a table or floor, without hanging edges. Remember, knit fabrics have a stretch. With edges hanging you can make a mistake while cutting.
Zig-Zag Stitch. It is highly recommended for knitwear when sewing seams, because a zig-zag stitch stretches along with the fabric, unlike a straight stitch.
Tissue Paper. Use it to connect the edges when sewing them up to prevent the fabric from stretching. Tissue paper is applied underneath the seam (or on the top) when sewing two layers of knit fabric and removed after finishing the process.

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